Thursday, June 7, 2012

So THIS is what I'm supposed to
look like after 60 days...
Day 7 of year 16 :  My big plans to post every day have already gone astray...I have so many ideas in my head and then my mom's phone stopped functioning - that was a three hour fix across town that I had not anticipated.  I am not an organizer.  I, after all these years of making lists and posting calendars, printing cool looking projects and bookmarking sites I will "definitely" use, am back to being surrounded by all those things I want to do and then deciding it's time to start "Insanity" again.  (I know, I know, you don't know what that is and always ask, "Oh, that's like P90,  right?" - yes, it is.).  I think I was crying during the middle of it, by the way...

I did accomplish one thing, though.  I have the torturous deadline schedule for my AP Studio kids for next year.  I have set exact dates for EACH of their pieces - NO EXCEPTIONS.  Ha.  The best intentions.

I'm hoping by blogging long enough I can avoid Insanity...good teacher or great-looking teacher...that is the question.

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