Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 14 of year 16:  Quote of the day.  Procrastination never ends well.  On another note, I received a call from the summer school people while strolling around Costco looking at things I couldn't afford and wanting them anyway, and at first I thought it was just a phone solicitation.  The secretary of summer school was asking if I was interested in subbing three days next week for IPC (?).  Hard to believe that I would even hesitate and have to think about this new found freedom I was enjoying (doubly as I was still looking at the cute outdoor LED lights that I think will look good in my yard for 0nly 39.99).  I did ask if I was the best choice for IPC.  They said yes.

Either they're desperate or I am.  I said yes.

I did get a school calendar for next year and have put in all the important days.  You know, staff development, TAKS testing...theings that really matter...

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