Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 29 of year 16:

I'm actually longing to get back in the studio.  I haven't felt this way in years.  I do something called "nesting" when I think I need to be in the studio I spend time arranging, cleaning, thinking.  I know it's all part of the process I go through but it is also this thing called "procrastination".  I have fear.  Fear tht what I used to be able to do I no longer can - or will be good at.  I sold in galleries and had shows.  Now I have trouble attempting to create what used to be seamless for me.

I was trying to recreate.  That's impossible.  Why recreate what has been created once, and quite well (if I do say so myself).  Time to strike off in another direction - ans that's the fearful part... Which way do I go without getting lost?  Maybe I need to embrace the getting lost part and just go for it.  Isn't this what I tell my students every single day.  Now here I am at a crossroad myself.

The old me...

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