Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 64 of Year 16:  I have been to San Francisco and back, and still think longingly of art every day.  I will admit that Pinterest is my porn, though, and even though the studio alludes me for the moment (like Insanity - sorry Shaun T. - the tee shirt you offer after 60 days is still not in my possession!) I look at art every day and think about it even more.  I have not felt this way in years.  The weight of NOT seeing was on my shoulders and now I feel a freedom to create - even if it's just in my mind - every moment.  There is a connection I'm experiencing to the people who post images they like and I'm finding a kind of weird family of other art "lookers".  I have so many ideas and feel such positive direction.  School starts in a few weeks and I know I won't be able to get all my new ideas introduced but they are living within me.  Such as this one.  Beautiful in it's emotional nakedness.  These make me feel like this is what happens when you die.  Nothing dark and scary, just white and gently floating like a plastic bag in the wind.  Amazing work.


Paper, glue, 40 x 27 in., Matthieu Raffard

Salon de Montrouge 2011, France
We imperceptibly change everyday as if we were changing skin. The Mues sculptures make visible this metamorphosis through imprints of a body at the specific time. They are clothing of empty skin that we fold and keep to put on a new one. This skin becomes the trace of the time passing and the memory of an anterior life.

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